Extra Small School Pricing

Less than 300 students

Get Started!

Diamond Package
$2,550 / startup
Yearly Renewal $1,650
  • 1 year subscription
  • Mobile apps for users and students
  • Unlimited surveys and voting
  • Live online training session
  • Online staff training (live or recorded)
  • Refresher training each year
  • SIS integration
  • Communication add-on
Platinum Package
$2,300 / startup
Yearly Renewal $1,400
  • 1 year subscription
  • Mobile apps for users and students
  • Unlimited surveys and voting
  • Live online training session
  • Online staff training (live or recorded)
  • Refresher training each year
  • SIS integration
Silver Package
$2,050 / startup
Yearly Renewal $1,250
  • 1 year subscription
  • Mobile apps for users and students
  • Unlimited surveys and voting
  • Live online training session
  • Online staff training (live or recorded)
  • Refresher training each year
  • SIS integration
Bronze Package
$1,900 / startup
Yearly Renewal $1,100
  • 1 year subscription
  • Mobile apps for users and students
  • Unlimited surveys and voting
  • Live online training session
  • Online staff training (live or recorded)
  • Refresher training each year
  • SIS integration

Ready to get started?

Need a sales quote or more information?

Submit a sales request

Submit a purchase order
  • Email or fax your purchase order to us. You should request a sales quote prior to submitting the PO, in order to reference accurate pricing
  • Email orders to sales@5starstudents.com or fax to 800-321-0931
District discounts are available

District or multi-school discounts are available. Ask us!

Interested in a demo?

Schedule a demo with one of our experts!

All subscriptions include...
  • Track unlimited school activities and events
  • Track unlimited positive behaviors
  • Manage ticketed events, no-privilege lists
  • Track unlimited interventions
  • Track unlimited hall passes
  • Track points, reward eligibility and distribution
  • Manage unlimited surveys and voting polls
  • Also track staff and community involvement
  • Sell school items and event tickets online
  • Distribute user accounts to staff
  • Free access to mobile app for users and students
  • Phone/email support, documentation, videos
  • Access to premium webinars